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Holy Cow, the Worst Harlequin Plot on Steroids!

Comadrin March 11, 2021 4:57 pm

The boo hoo poor me trope taken to a new height. Everyone in my life only wanted money, so I'll keep paying them. I made a deal to save your uncle's company because I love you. When he, whom I knew to be scum, told me you knew about it, I decided that I hated you, and would betray you in the most hurtful way possible. On seeing you again, I knew I wanted you, so I was as nasty and threatening as I could possibly be, and blackmailed you into being my mistress. I was really butthurt and couldn't understand why you ran from me, but seeing you nearly die, I decided to save your uncle's company and allow him to live his debauched and hedonistic life. You, the innocent then 18 year old, were the only one I was interested in torturing for the rest of your life.

Petra has taken the spineless, unbelievably stupid, masochistic FL to new heights (actually to new depths). She has boundless unconditional love for those who use her and betray her in cruel ways. Like another Harlequin (ha ha) heroine, she has Stockholm Syndrome without being kidnaped.

This story sucked. They worked so hard to make the ML unforgivable that I'm surprised they didn't have the FL working in a kindergarten so he could burn it down. I'm sure she would have forgiven him that as well. The way he spent the whole story targeting her, he would probably only have burned it down when she was the only person there. I still find it amazing that he continued to pay any demanded money to all the people that he KNEW treated him badly, but focused all his hatred on the innocent one that he suspected of bad behavior without an iota of evidence. Just another case of "You Always Hurt the One You Love."
