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i read up to chap.20 and was pissed off by Seara, does she really have to make herself tha...

Anonymous March 2, 2016 7:56 am

i read up to chap.20 and was pissed off by Seara, does she really have to make herself that cheap, the guy is an asshole to boot when he continuously tossed her aside whenever something happen concerning that weak anemia girl !!!

    Anonymous March 2, 2016 7:59 am

    i guess guys juz cant leave those weak girls alone huh, n to those strong will girls, sorry, u will have to deal with things yourself as you are strong, you will not faint nor attempt suicide, but those weak 1 will, so the guys have to protect them

    Kawaii neko96 March 2, 2016 4:56 pm

    even though seara always cry she always fight what i hate is the boy when reading this i always say make him suffer your always suffering and your only 12...