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This was such a cute read, it's been on my "want to read" for AGES and I'm glad I did. (s...

Kaorin March 12, 2021 7:52 am

This was such a cute read, it's been on my "want to read" for AGES and I'm glad I did.

Random, but I like how when Endo first made a move on Hiriki and Mark saw, when Hiriki asked him for help he honestly went to go get help and asked if he was okay afterwards. Like before that Mark was constantly like "give ur bed to Endo-sama" "don't make Endo-sama carry things" etc. So I dunno, it just seemed sweeter to me for him to be like "I'm so sorry Hiriki, I can't believe he was trying to force himself on you." Lol like he's loyal to his master but loyal enough to know when his master's bein a jerk and to apologize to the victim.

Anyway, they're all great, I liked this manga.
