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Hyungwoo why are you screaming—

fuyuki March 13, 2021 4:25 am

Maybe if the mc was different I would like this a little more, it feels all to focused on Ryeojoon because not only is he shipped with the other three members a lot within that universe and has two or more people fighting over him, it’s also mainly his POV I guess. Don’t get me wrong, he’s adorable, but if he were more of a second or third main character like Dohyun or Siwoo the story would feel more balanced. I feel this way cause he’s so different from the other members cause he’s like the “baby” of the group, so he already stands out in that regard, he’s also the main character, but that’s more in the start of the story anyway. Idk I just feel like too much is revolving around him
