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fooking hell

Potatolady_27 March 13, 2021 7:36 am

oh sure, put the blame back on ur kid for not "looking for you harder enough" when:
a. he was a young kid, and he thought you were dead
b. he grew up in an abusive household with no support, he was already struggling to survive
c. you're his mom, and you promised to come back, and as a kid ofc he'd believe that, ur the mom
d. you admitted to not meeting him because you didn't want your new husband to know you had a child
e. you believed your shitty ex when he said those stuff, when u know, he's a pos and he's most likely lying through his teeth cuz he's shitty

the thing is, I sympathize with her, and the shit she went through with that trash, good for her for escaping out of that shitty situation and finding happiness. but it just bothers me, when you leave your child for years to fend for his own, knowing your ex-husband will neglect/abuse him, and then come back when he's got a life of his own, only to blame him because "he didn't look for you." like idk chief, sounds like garbage to me :/

i would love a side story 3 please, this isn't enough T^T they just gon mess with my feelings like that and dip? hell nah
