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if he was rich why didn't he get a better car or at least fix the one he had?

Mortuim March 5, 2016 4:59 am

if he was rich why didn't he get a better car or at least fix the one he had?

    Mew July 11, 2016 2:54 pm

    Guys have this attachment towards cars and that car is probably way to old and just for show or something.

    Anonymous December 26, 2016 2:31 am
    Guys have this attachment towards cars and that car is probably way to old and just for show or something. Mew

    So dan fucking true! !!

    Anonymous December 26, 2016 2:32 am
    Guys have this attachment towards cars and that car is probably way to old and just for show or something. Mew

    So damn fucking true! !!

    Comadrin July 16, 2020 12:36 am

    It's called a classic (early Ford Mustang). Although I must say that if it needed an oil change every 62.1 miles (he said 100 kilometers, something no American would say), he should have had a real mechanic look at it, instead of working on it at his father's place. He had the money to turn it into a real classic marque, instead of driving it in the horrible shape it was in. That's asking for the engine to seize up and turn it into a paperweight.