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Actually im an Arab, first, not all women are forced to wear black cloaks, and Arabian men...

This is discrimination March 5, 2016 9:10 pm

Actually im an Arab, first, not all women are forced to wear black cloaks, and Arabian men aren't perverted except some of them, third, multiple marriage is not a good thing in our culture. It is something disliked from both culture and relision.
This was really annoying!!!

    Violetchwannn March 6, 2016 2:28 am

    You're taking a work of fiction too seriously. I'm sure most people don't believe multiple marriage, and the other things you wrote, are actually happening in real life.

    Anonymous March 6, 2016 2:56 am

    I've been to some arabian country, and yes they -the woman- are all wearing black cloaks outside, so don't lie about it. and also .. What are you doing here reading a YAOI manga? lol .. that's a mega uber sin according to your religion and culture. hypocrite much? Multiple marriage did happen because it is allowed (4 wives to be exact if you can handle it equally) yeah i know my shit. So, it's you who is annoying, coming here and start yelling over something so unimportant like that ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Aika March 6, 2016 4:59 am
    I've been to some arabian country, and yes they -the woman- are all wearing black cloaks outside, so don't lie about it. and also .. What are you doing here reading a YAOI manga? lol .. that's a mega uber sin a... @Anonymous

    I agree to the user, This Is Discrimination.
    Stop GENERALIZING, Anonymous.
    if you've been to 'some' 'arabian country', maybe you've visited to the not-so-developed countries and lack the experience or opportunity to really peer into the functional society of the arabian world. In the middle east, the developed countries allow arab women to wear casual clothes- their respective choice to wear an abaya (black cloak) or not. Yes, multiple marriage is still accepted in some areas but it is not common; though arranged marriage is still, unfortunately common.
    you're also pinpointing that an arab reading yaoi is a sin. yes it is, it is unusual and forbidden but in the end, I accept their modern mindset with no objections, the world is changing my dear and you can't stop it. I also have arab friends whom are honestly down to earth, open minded, muslim (incase you're wondering) and are die-hard FUJOSHIS. There are others whom are also anime and k-pop addicts.
    And why do i know this? because my whole life, i was raised in a very developed arab country where arabs especially women can do whatever they please.
    PS: I'm asain and islam is not my religion.

    Lightasus March 6, 2016 5:58 am

    What Violetchwann said.

    People need to stop getting offended by everything, the author just had fun with that type of setting. It's like when gays get offended at yaoi for not being realistic at all (because it really isn't 99% of the time). Everything is offending these days.

    Plus in Japan foreigners make up for 1.5% of the population. 98.5% is of Japanese descent. So it's natural they have a much lesser phobia of cultural stereotypes, as over their entire life they'll be close to never around foreigners or other ethnic groups in the first place. In the end it's most likely not intentional, and publishing that type of manga in Japan will cause zero uproar for stereotyping, people just enjoy it as it is.

    Plus even I am confused about what's happening in such countries, but never took the depiction from that type of mangas seriously xD. Really, just don't expect an accurate depiction of a foreign culture from mangas aha.

    Anonymous March 7, 2016 3:42 pm
    You're taking a work of fiction too seriously. I'm sure most people don't believe multiple marriage, and the other things you wrote, are actually happening in real life. Violetchwannn

    Excuse me, i didnt say that multiple marriage doesn't happen in this world but they are applying it to Arabs... U would surely feel so annoyed if someone specified only the bad things in your culture...

    Anonymous March 7, 2016 3:49 pm
    I've been to some arabian country, and yes they -the woman- are all wearing black cloaks outside, so don't lie about it. and also .. What are you doing here reading a YAOI manga? lol .. that's a mega uber sin a... @Anonymous

    Excuse me, i can reply to this proudly saying that it IS MY DECISION to read yaoi bby cuz i love it and it's from my free will That's one, two, maybe you are talking abt some towns in Suudi Arabia, but NOT ALL ARABIAN COUNTRIES ARE LIKE THAT! Don't speek to an Arab asif u know everything!!! And about yaoi isnt it even a sin for anyone reading it under 18? Not only yaoi, but even other adult manga bby. Actually, u r the one being offensive to other cultures and religions, racist. Thank u so much for your disrespect. I had too many friends from different religions and even atheists and they were more than respectful for my religion and culture...

    Anonymous March 7, 2016 3:52 pm
    I agree to the user, This Is Discrimination.Stop GENERALIZING, Anonymous.if you've been to 'some' 'arabian country', maybe you've visited to the not-so-developed countries and lack the experience or opportunity... Aika

    You are totally right thank u so much really, actually im a mega fujoshi amd have too many fujoshi friends... Thanks for telling him/her

    Anonymous March 7, 2016 4:01 pm
    I agree to the user, This Is Discrimination.Stop GENERALIZING, Anonymous.if you've been to 'some' 'arabian country', maybe you've visited to the not-so-developed countries and lack the experience or opportunity... Aika

    Thank u so much for telling him/her. Actually im a big fujoshi and have too many fujoshi friends. I guess u live in UAE don't u?

    Islander March 8, 2016 2:28 am
    Thank u so much for telling him/her. Actually im a big fujoshi and have too many fujoshi friends. I guess u live in UAE don't u? @Anonymous

    You tell them! Wtf is up with the stereotypical Generalisation of ALL Arabian countries?? Thats IGNORANCE in its plainest view.

    Violetchwannn March 8, 2016 5:48 am
    Excuse me, i didnt say that multiple marriage doesn't happen in this world but they are applying it to Arabs... U would surely feel so annoyed if someone specified only the bad things in your culture... @Anonymous

    I wouldn't be annoyed. That's their decision to do so. I can just ignore if I please. I also wouldn't waste my time complaining about it when it's FICTIONAL. Unfortunately, my point wouldn't get through to you so I'm done wasting my time on this thread. Have a good day~

    Aika Yumiko March 10, 2016 8:11 pm
    Thank u so much for telling him/her. Actually im a big fujoshi and have too many fujoshi friends. I guess u live in UAE don't u? @Anonymous

    anytime my dear. <3 I treasure the arabs as if they're my brothers and sisters. and yes I am from the UAE.

    Minami April 27, 2016 2:20 pm

    ....... so your doing a war? As Italy say Make Pasta, Not War ve~
    P.s sorry being random

    Yaoi Maniac April 29, 2016 1:23 pm

    Hey next time I'm visiting Arab I hope I can meet u

    Errant Belle May 4, 2016 5:32 am

    You are so full of shit! I've lived in a Muslim republic for three years and visited others. Multiple wives are what most Muslim men aspire to. Women are compelled by law to wear long robes, head, and face coverings. Women are also often forbidden to vote, go anywhere without a male relative, regularly murdered in the name of a warped version of honor and generally treated like other people wouldn't treat farm animals. And let's not forget homosexuality is punishable by death. If anything, this depiction was way too rosy compared to the reality of life in the middle East.

    RinRin May 13, 2016 3:53 pm

    Weellll its fiction but what you've said aren't wrong...and the black cloak is an abaya.its more like a trend nowadays in the Muslim replubic.anyway like i said before it's fiction so chill it

    Anonymous May 19, 2016 12:43 am
    You are so full of shit! I've lived in a Muslim republic for three years and visited others. Multiple wives are what most Muslim men aspire to. Women are compelled by law to wear long robes, head, and face cove... Errant Belle

    middle east isnt the only muslim country you know

    Errant Belle May 19, 2016 1:59 am
    middle east isnt the only muslim country you know @Anonymous

    Duh! The Muslim country I lived in was in Africa.
    Way to show YOU are the one making assumption.

    That aside, whether in Asia, Africa, the Middle East or the Western Hemisphere, Islam is still the same intolerant, misogynistic, violent faith.
    Anyone who has read the Koran knows that.
    Anyone who has lived among Muslims knows that the only part of this manga that was accurate was the part in which he was tricked and kidnapped to be sold as a slave.

    Yaoi Maniac May 19, 2016 7:49 am
    Duh! The Muslim country I lived in was in Africa.Way to show YOU are the one making assumption.That aside, whether in Asia, Africa, the Middle East or the Western Hemisphere, Islam is still the same intolerant,... Errant Belle

    Then.. Are u saying that u have read the Koran? It's kinda funny when u said violent faith. In what u say I can only presume that u hate Islam. So I'm gonna ask again did u read Koran?

    doki-doki May 19, 2016 8:28 am
    Duh! The Muslim country I lived in was in Africa.Way to show YOU are the one making assumption.That aside, whether in Asia, Africa, the Middle East or the Western Hemisphere, Islam is still the same intolerant,... Errant Belle

    i think u people who can only see one side but blind to other side.

    u say moslem violent faith? but do u know what religion the country who start world war, take other country freedom, taking their comodity and make the people work worst than animal?
    u say moslem intolerant? have u ever heard moslem country do genoside to other religion?
    u say moslem misogynistic, is it cause moslem make women wear long robe, head and face covering and forbide to go out w/o her relative? in this one u see it wrong. it's to protect the women. with the long robe and covering she can avoid sexuality crime and by go with her relative also to make sure her savety.
    u say moslem forbide women to vote? aren't u only see it on some place? in my country women can vote too. and i never see islam law that forbid women to vote their voice.
    u know nothing about the islam law, but u judge entire moslem just cause u see some moslem do something.
    it's like what i said ur people who see one side but blind to other side. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Errant Belle May 19, 2016 5:38 pm
    Then.. Are u saying that u have read the Koran? It's kinda funny when u said violent faith. In what u say I can only presume that u hate Islam. So I'm gonna ask again did u read Koran? Yaoi Maniac

    I've actually read it more than once.
    Have you NOT read it?
    It openly and repeatedly calls all Muslims to covert or kill all non-muslims.
    It clearly identifies women as second class citizens akin to cattle and advocates their control and abuse.
    The Koran also forbids all Muslims from even reading the books of other faiths.
    And what's the biggest sin in Islam?
    Not rape or murder, but conversion to another faith.
    So like I said, Islam is fundamentally violent, misogynistic and intolerant.