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im confused

toyota March 17, 2021 5:28 am

if someone could explain what happened that would be great

    Giss23 March 17, 2021 1:02 pm

    Before I go in I need to say I forgot their names so I will be calling them as older bro, mad dog, red head, mad dog lover and black hair hyung.

    From what I understood from the that long ass speech by the red head is that the older bro acts kindly to everyone and tries to solve issues because he has the good boy showbofd issues. He really doesn't care about the people but wants to be seen as a good guy. The red heads bro was beaten up by mad dog and the older bro and their dad resolved the issue by giving some cash. And the older bro told the red head he can call anytime if there is any issue. Then onwards the red head observed the older bro and understood that the older bro doesn't really care about people but want their good wishes and be known as a good boy. The older admitted to this claims and the black hair hyund was like the red head is correct and he doesn't want the 2 brothers to contact mad dog lover. But the mad dog lover is still kinda confused with everything going on

    I hope you understood what happened from this