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What do you think guys?

PaperHaniBani March 7, 2016 2:58 pm

Well, I'm not trying to be sentimental here guys,
and I know I'm in the manga website which most of people reading some yaoi (gay) books so that means some of them accept the LGBT people. So I know u all understand me (▰˘◡˘▰)

This is just sad, since these days the issue about same sex married issue being spread around the world, the issue about LGBT was being so damn famous in my country,
Today I watch some news about their reaction with LGBT things, and somehow they're very rude and cruel about them.

This is sad, (I'm a girl, and well I'm a hetero actually), why people can't just leave them alone? I mean, they said it's not good, they can't accept them, they don't want to be friends with them or such, they're think that it was like a mental issue - LGBT in here is like a dangerous disease !
I mean, WTH, What if u're in those position?!?!?! They said so damn easily cause they're (think) they're normal and hetero.
If you put urself in their shoes, it's really hurts when people say that about you, and no one knows you, or sometimes u can get killed or bullied or judged or any other cruel things when u get caught with ur sexuality.
Don't you ever think that what is norm? what is true or false? true or false is when a mass of people agreed about something, so that's become a "correct things to do", so in the end when LGBT is wrong things, that's because it's a norm, that means lot of ppl agreed that is wrong.
When u talk about religious things said it's wrong, well can u just leave it?
If it's true they can go to the hell if they're gay/lesbian then let them be, why u care? even I don't know where I'm going when I'm dead. No one knows, cause no one can give a real proof about where they went after death.

*In the news, when some of LGBT people in my country said that They really want to live outside my country so that someone can accept them (It's just kind of sad)
I really wish that they can just moving to another country that accept LGBT, so that they can finally achieve some happiness, my country can't give them that (╥﹏╥)

Need to let out this, can't keep this thoughts anymore ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    This is my Nickname March 7, 2016 3:28 pm

    Hem, I am not sure about what should I say about this topic. because although I love yaoi manga, yaoi song, yaoi anime, yaoi drama cd, I did not accept yaoi in real life.

    my family kinda fucked up about this matter.
    I hope my family not touch real-yaoi in life, but something like this did not give right to somebody else or whoever to bully, give shit, doing discriminating things to them. that's not the right thing to do just because you afraid of them or you find them strange, or just because you different from them.

    PaperHaniBani March 7, 2016 4:12 pm
    Hem, I am not sure about what should I say about this topic. because although I love yaoi manga, yaoi song, yaoi anime, yaoi drama cd, I did not accept yaoi in real family kinda fucked up about this mat... This is my Nickname

    yeah I know that feeling too, it's just well, in my country, it's like a very dangerous thing when u get caught that u're a gay/ lesbian, u can get killed / bullied and ur life can be like hell or such.
    Just can't understand why people can't just leave them alone, I mean it's like u force other people to become like you,
    It's sad, they're a human too, right?

    This is my Nickname March 7, 2016 4:39 pm
    yeah I know that feeling too, it's just well, in my country, it's like a very dangerous thing when u get caught that u're a gay/ lesbian, u can get killed / bullied and ur life can be like hell or such.Just can... PaperHaniBani

    but, don't hate them too much, too.
    they act like that because society, nature, because they afraid, etc.

    not everybody who hate LGBT is evil, if you know what I mean. (⌒▽⌒)

    Wall☜♥☞Flower March 7, 2016 5:42 pm

    I hope there will be a time where we the perception about same-love will change...but I feel like it would be impossible that no one will not oppose or find it "different". Black and White goes hand in hand right?

    Anonymous March 7, 2016 9:23 pm

    what does GLBT stand for? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    actually my country has the similiar opinion as yours so I quite understand you. They think homosexuality is kind of disease and for those people got bullied or refused by their family is quite ussual.
    sometimes I ask myself why they make so big deal about homosexuality (have to say I'm quite interested in gays although I'm hetero). But you see, I believe that we can't divide things into either black or white. As far as I know, some people in my country have accepted the hommosexuality, someone even had wedding with their families' and friends' blessing, but the number is stil very low, though.
    These negative opinions about homosexuality won't be changed immidiately since it's something that was thought my mass of people for so so so long time. However, I believe that as time flows these opinions of homosexuality will change (in the better way).

    sorry for my english and the mess of my writing (≧∀≦)