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Well, these comments helped immensely...

Mameiha March 7, 2016 10:15 pm

I hate rushed endings. Now I'm kinda glad the translation was so poorly proof-read that I couldn't read past the first chapter. Thanks everyone. You made me feel so much better about my decision - I was worried I had missed out on a good ending.

    Tuuh March 16, 2016 8:48 pm

    Yeah, you got lucky!! =/

    I really do like this mangaka, and for that I got really upset when I finished this series =/

    The first chapter gives the feeling that a lot is going to happen, and yes the translation and the proof-read on that chapter is lousy. But on the others is pretty good, but plot is lazy!! #-.-)

    You know when you watch a movie from a great director and thinks, OMG what happened to this great story? Well, sincerely was wondering myself, what the f*ck happened to this manga….

    It starts with everything to be so f*cking awesome, a great idea because let’s keep it real, to think about a world where the woman are lacking and the man are bonding like crazy? Nose bleeds for sure!! And then that hot guy appears to help, he stays with a senpai that is kind of dumb.

    Uke stupid is one thing, but he is a scientist who impresses the other and made him abandon his life. And now he is shown as a person who really doesn’t get anything that happens around him. And don't mention that the mangaka don´t even bothered to put a dialogue who says how the experiment was going to happen, come on nobody is so dumb that they just would go and jump into something if they don't know what is it, how to do it and stuff.

    I was waiting for the continuation of chapter one...That never show up. . And when you think that the story is going to make sense, she ends everything.

    Very sad, I do respect taste of others, I just don’t understand bad work. My most strong impression is that sensei lost her inspiration in the middle, and because of a contract or something like this she had to conclude the series.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    It is a shame, is could be so much more…! ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Islander March 16, 2016 10:19 pm
    Yeah, you got lucky!! =/I really do like this mangaka, and for that I got really upset when I finished this series =/The first chapter gives the feeling that a lot is going to happen, and yes the translation an... Tuuh

    Yeah! I agree.
    I was initially really excited about this manga and where it could go. And I was really looking forward to the character development between Nino and Mikoshiba! But in the middle of it, the spark was just gone!
    Don't get me wrong, this is a good manga, but it wasn't a "great" one
    I feel like, the ending was SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENT.
    But, I'm not that surprised with this because of the Mangaka. I feel like their work is always beautiful, with a good plot, but the character never take it to the next level, y'know? Like, I don't sense a feeling of "love" or something?
    Anyways, just my opinion

    Tuuh March 17, 2016 2:15 am
    Yeah! I agree.I was initially really excited about this manga and where it could go. And I was really looking forward to the character development between Nino and Mikoshiba! But in the middle of it, the spark ... Islander

    Yeah, so so strange!!

    I really like Tennouji Mio sensei, the drawings of hers are simply too beautiful, the traces and the expressions, are very visible the feelings of those characters.

    But this time I think that was beyond the feeling of void, was like the story got lost. The first chapter is like an pre-launch, I have done a little research and what I’ve found is that the part where it talks about the beginning of the experiment because of the protein B, was release much sooner than the rest of the manga. And it’s because of this that here were separated as a prequel. I don't know for sure, but really looks like the rest of the manga doesn’t match with that first chapter.

    So in my mind I believe that in the beginning she had one idea and later this idea got lost.

    Because really I don’t think that is just love missing, it’s like the identity of the characters are missing. Who are them and what they are doing and where they are going to get. You know?

    But I agree with you…the word for this manga is disappointment… Very Sad

    aerslevdi September 23, 2017 5:30 am

    I wish it was a rushed ending! It was even that! Dear lord! I decided to not pay attention to the few bad comments that I could see (mind you I only read about three) since this mangaka tends to have some bad reviews but I like the mangas nonetheless.
    Now I'm hear in utter disappointment. Not only the ending was bad, but the pseudoscientific base was really bad and along with the awful translation, you just didn't know what the hell was going on. It was a good original idea that got buried under bad character development and lack of minimum investigation.