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I don't expect that this webtoon end like that. I overlook it as it already shown at chapt...

SkY@27 March 17, 2021 7:19 pm

I don't expect that this webtoon end like that. I overlook it as it already shown at chapter 1. They doesn't deserved that. Where the spin-off where they life happily together.

Thank you Hana for showing love and giving happy memories for both Haru and Hook, even for only short time.

Don't let this webtoon foolish you. It's cute at first, typically shoujo things. Then, it becomes darker and heavy. You can't help yourself from crying after the Haru discover his tragic past and the hell life of other wolf.

How Hana cope with all that deaths. They been together for years. Most people will be traumatic or depressed after witnessing all that shit. All this happen because of her father fault. I will never forgive him.
