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I love stories that experiment with their art and dialogue so this is a breath of fresh ai...

Anonymous March 18, 2021 5:17 am

I love stories that experiment with their art and dialogue so this is a breath of fresh air for me. Such a masterpiece. Not perfect but I love this author style. Sometimes very detailed drawings, sometimes real life photos and sometimes just doodles.
Long-neck guy is my favorite and made the experience even better. Sometimes his expressions reminded me of punpun. Though, unlike punpun, long-neck guy learnt to balance his dreams and reality. He is funny, he is cute, he likes magic. Overall, i think he could achieve what magician couldnt.
Magician was glorious and "upsetting". And I think that is what author wanted us to feel, but to still believe in him. Simply and as the MC says, I really want to believe he is a real magician. Even with all the things going on in his head. Also he hot.
Sometimes there are people born for not fitting in, and not for that they should take the blame of society. If they can be helped then help. People who are under a lot of stress may just one day kboom.
MC is the conflict between growing up or not. And the message is that it is okay if you want to or not cuz in the end society is still gonna treat you the same way. Be a little selfish, believe if you want to. LIKE BARBIE YOU CAN BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE.
Will reread this on webtoon cuz i wanna support author.
