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Not y'all going after the FL, like damn. I don't blame her for being scared when he turned...

Wiggletruff March 18, 2021 8:48 am

Not y'all going after the FL, like damn. I don't blame her for being scared when he turned human. If you think about it it's pretty normal reaction. If someone you have known for so long just suddenly undergoes massive changes to their appearance (to the point they aren't recognizable) of course they would feel like a stranger. It's not like shes scared of him being human it will just take some time for her to get used/comfortable with it.

    Rayy March 18, 2021 9:01 am

    dont even know why theyre just going after her, like she fell in love when he killed the bear (I think) and shes always been used to that ever since she was young, and she love his form even when he didnt fuck her and stuff. The hes a human and boom he looks diffrent and stuff and ofc you would be scared and stuff like how did this happen. You could even start blaming yourself because he obv likes his human side more than his beast side but yeah.