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Am I the only one still enjoying this story? Sure, Duna is being an asshole but she is a c...

kiara._.tale March 18, 2021 9:49 am

Am I the only one still enjoying this story? Sure, Duna is being an asshole but she is a complicated character and I like her being that way. I'm sure she's not gonna STAY like this, she will go through some character development (you can see that from her new thoughts and doubts) and she will become a better person, thanks to haesol
Please be patient with Duna at least (you can hate the other guy, that one's just a twisted pervert (thE AUTHOR TOOK INSPO FOR HIM FROM HISOKA, I'M---) but please don't hate the whole manga because Duna is being an asshole

    tmk March 18, 2021 10:08 am

    sorry disliked by accident but I agree with youuu