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Reviewing this rape-fest

EmmJ March 18, 2021 5:25 pm

This has major problems, from a writing standpoint.This manga has porn-like logic, but to slap a sickly sweet ending on it feels so wrong.

This may sound weird to most since the ending is the only thing that makes this worth reading, but if an author is going to create a world where students are prostituted and enslaved and not resolve any of the actual problems, then what is the point of it? The characters kiss and made up, but it's not like they have any chance to be happy. The Alpha's family is just going to manipulate him and treat him like livestock. The Omega victim will never escape his abuser since that other guy is an in-law of his now.

Bottom-line: making a neat happy ending at the end of this cheapens all the suffering the characters went through. It just feels disjointed and out of place.
