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God, I was hoping this would be the best of the 3 despite the lowest rating because the le...

Anonymous March 19, 2021 1:12 am

God, I was hoping this would be the best of the 3 despite the lowest rating because the leads supposedly both had feelings for each other in their past - but no, not only does Marcus not want to have anything to do with love or romance, he raped Lucy not once, but four times (pretty sure the 3 rounds while she was drunk count as 3 separate counts of rape). I also find it interesting that despite everything Nick has done, he only got 5 years of jail time…

I also find it extremely irritating that so many people are willing to criticize the FLs in all 3 of these stories (and Nick, of course), but not a single person is willing to bring up what A-holes the MLs are (I'm the same one who did the comment about that in #2, so that doesn't count as "other people").

#Y'all are proving to be misogynistic jerks
