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Really love this one! I will faithfully await more updates!!

monster1994 March 11, 2016 8:48 pm

Really love this one! I will faithfully await more updates!!

    Anonymous April 16, 2016 5:18 am

    There are no more updates. The series was cancelled (T^T)

    vinichiwoo April 21, 2016 6:31 am
    There are no more updates. The series was cancelled (T^T) @Anonymous

    Really? Why?

    Himedera May 31, 2016 1:18 am
    Really? Why? vinichiwoo

    Well best case scenario is that it'll be picked back up when Noblesse is finished. That's all the news I've heard on it anyway. Hopefully they don't drop it permanently though.

    Saikie016 June 14, 2016 2:56 am
    Well best case scenario is that it'll be picked back up when Noblesse is finished. That's all the news I've heard on it anyway. Hopefully they don't drop it permanently though. Himedera

    OMG! I can't start reading something that has been cancelled!!! I very much would like to read this Manga because I am a HUGE fan of Noblesse, and I just found this out today!! My soul will be restless if that's the case! I will just have to keep this Manga in Pending status and wait, but that would only mean that Noblesse would be finished and I do not want Noblesse to end as well!! Urgh, why is this happening to me now?! :'( </3 ╥﹏╥