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I’ve seen a lot of hate on Nagi...

Lily March 19, 2021 5:12 pm

Okay, so a lot of people are up in arms about Nagi sleeping with a woman when he still loved Nao. But honestly, that’s kinda ridiculous. Do you honestly expect someone to stay celibate for years even if there is someone they had a crush on? Like I’d think they’d at least try relationships with a few other people to get experience and just see if there are other people they like. And in Nagi’s case it looked like he was manipulated by the omega woman...he was in an emotionally depressed state, in puberty, and probably she used her pheromones to forcefully attract him.

    EvaGreen May 26, 2021 2:05 pm

    That is... And maybe she is also his father mistress.