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I really love this story. The only problem I have is the translation. At the end of the 2n...

Luna March 14, 2016 3:19 am

I really love this story. The only problem I have is the translation. At the end of the 2nd chapter it's the uke that breaks up with the seme due to manipulation. But then the 3rd chapter it tells a different story where the seme dumped the uke. It's what the uke says and the seme near the end even says that it was his idea, for the most part. I find that really weird and it must be a translation error. Another thing with translation is that some parts are hard to follow a little, it might just be the drawings really but there are some lines that say one thing, like the seme isn't doing well, then it says he did great. It's just really annoying to follow at some points.
