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let me spoil a lil bit (๑•ㅂ•)و✧midori was suppose to end up with tsukasa at fir...

Anonymous March 14, 2016 6:07 am

let me spoil a lil bit (๑•ㅂ•)و✧midori was suppose to end up with tsukasa at first
but then the readers were not satisfied with the ending of her ending up with tsukasa, which im still pissed off, LIKE WHY? IS TSUKASA NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER?!(my opinion)
so author san made them vote who midori should end up with
she ended up with kazuma because kazuma's more popular than tsukasa in japan
*sniff sniff* whyyyyyyy (╯TДT)╯ ╧╧

    mini_b2013 June 18, 2017 4:03 pm

    Lol kazuma more popular, really. Tsukasa more popular than kazuma as you was readibg the manga. You can tell and of course, no-one will be satisfied if she would've end with tsukasa. It'll end like most shoujo irritating as girls ending with asshole dudes who treat them like shit at first then want to show them their love. When another person start liking that person. This could've been better, if there was more of kazuma and modori blossom in a relationship than her and tsukasa. She just out the blue fell in love with him. So, stupid sge should've just ended with that clown tsukasa