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In sweden it is legal to have sex at age of 15 if its mutal of course. Below 15 is a crime...

Tina March 15, 2016 12:03 am

In sweden it is legal to have sex at age of 15 if its mutal of course. Below 15 is a crime even if its mutal/both wanting to. You are considering as an young adult at age of 18. You can get driving license and get married at 18 and move out and live on your own if you want to. Not obligated to do so. Parents will not kick there kids out just because there 18 if they don´t have any place to go to or are not ready. Also they can´t buy boose/alcohol until age of 21. If this is all fullfilled it is legal in my eyes. Don´t know why the laws can´t be the same everywhere in the world. When parents get divorce it is a law that both parents chare the custody of the kids and pay the fee for the kids untill age of 18. And they also get to meet both parents even if they don´t live under the same roof together anymore. They goback and forth between mom and dad. And it works. The kids shouldn´t have to choose of not getting to se mom or dad ever again. That is just cruel. Just wanted to say that. :-)

    mhmm July 30, 2016 9:25 pm

    teens are so impressionable and easily dragged into things. I feel like if the person having sex with the teen is over 5 years older then it should probably be illegal since perverted adults are manipulative.

    SkeletonUndies July 30, 2016 9:50 pm
    teens are so impressionable and easily dragged into things. I feel like if the person having sex with the teen is over 5 years older then it should probably be illegal since perverted adults are manipulative. mhmm

    "Teens are so impressionsble and easily dragged into things."

    That's quite a bold statement, don't you think? As a teenager myself, I found your statement highly offensive. Just because people my age are usually more adventurous and easygoing than our older counterparts, doesn't mean we lack the ability to think for ourselves. Do you wonder why teens go into rebellion? It's because we often suffer under harsh criticism by judgemental people like you.

    mhmm July 31, 2016 6:33 am
    "Teens are so impressionsble and easily dragged into things."That's quite a bold statement, don't you think? As a teenager myself, I found your statement highly offensive. Just because people my age are usually... SkeletonUndies

    umm i'm teenager as well :/ and no our frontal lobes are not fully developed yet, so from a scientific point of view they can't see the full span of the consequences of their actions. I know plenty of girls who got dragged in by older men and got abused or got their hearts broken. One of them even got in a porn tape. I'm basing this on a mixture of pure facts and just my own observation. You're free to be offended by it, but my argument is still the most valid. Just because I'm a teen doesn't mean i have to have a superiority complex and think i know things about the world when i don't like most of them do.

    SkeletonUndies August 1, 2016 4:25 am
    umm i'm teenager as well :/ and no our frontal lobes are not fully developed yet, so from a scientific point of view they can't see the full span of the consequences of their actions. I know plenty of girls who... mhmm

    The less myelinated prefrontal cortex of teenagers (in comparison to an adult's prefrontal cotex) just means that our inclination to seek pleasure is more intense, our ability to soak up information is higher, and we have the tendency to be sponsteneous. Thats it. An immature frontal lobe doesn't deny us to the ability to be rational, sensible, and critical. We aren't programmed to be pushovers and your argument is invalid.

    "I know plenty of girls who got dragged in by older men and got abused or got their hearts broken. One of them even got in a porn tape. I'm basing this on a mixture of pure facts and just my own observation." ~these unfortunate events happen to EVERYONE regardless of age, gender or race.

    Just because you know a couple of teens who don't utilize their brain doesn't mean that ALL of us don't as well.

    HoneyBooBoo August 1, 2016 4:31 am
    umm i'm teenager as well :/ and no our frontal lobes are not fully developed yet, so from a scientific point of view they can't see the full span of the consequences of their actions. I know plenty of girls who... mhmm

    You have a shitty argument. Skeleton undies is right. Just because you and the people you know are stupid doesn't mean everyone else is also stupid.

    mhmm August 1, 2016 7:28 am
    The less myelinated prefrontal cortex of teenagers (in comparison to an adult's prefrontal cotex) just means that our inclination to seek pleasure is more intense, our ability to soak up information is higher, ... SkeletonUndies

    Look at the number of teenagers who do completely stupid things then. Most people who are smoke addicts (nicotine isn't super bad for you by itself though) started in their teens and also goes for other poor life choices. They feed off of each other. not just in relationships but in life in general. I'm not saying all teens do stupid things at all. Teens are not pushovers, they're just extremely impressionable. A teen will do what they want, i'm sure you know this. they are stubborn as hell. I don't just know a couple of teens i know entire high-schools of teens who have made incredibly poor life decisions. it also depends where they grew up. Like in my case i grew up in a family full of addicts and got an addiction from a very young age (which is broken now). I don't mean to hurt your feelings i really don't, but we just don't know things. Seeing the things i've seen and the amount of kids i've known who wound up dead in all sorts of situations, i just can't believe that teens are completely rational or sensible. And i know you're going to want to argue with me from hell and back, but it's not going to really change anything. I realize you're on the defensive but it really has nothing to do with you, it's not personal. remember EVERYTHING is subjective; you may very well be one of the brighter crayons in the box (lol), but your peers certainly are not. it's also possible you've just been exposed to a much better environment in life than i have where the kids actually grew up with their needs being met.

    mhmm August 1, 2016 7:30 am
    You have a shitty argument. Skeleton undies is right. Just because you and the people you know are stupid doesn't mean everyone else is also stupid. HoneyBooBoo

    try and make a rational argument please. don't prove me right because believe it or not i don't want to be right in this situation, but i'm also trying to be realistic. the key is not to be defensive about it. you have to realize i'm not talking directly about you since everyone is different.