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Brother. Friend, threesome....Help

zephyr4 March 15, 2016 12:06 am

Helping Someone else. This what they say about the story:

Hello! I'm looking for this yaoi manga I read a long time ago but can't see to find. It's about a younger brother who gets basically raped by his older brother, who he seems to despise and hate. His best friend is his like light of life, and they pretty much like each other and the best friend eventually confesses to him. But the younger brother is scared because of his relationship with his brother. I remember a specific scene where the younger brother feels like his brother's semen seep out of him when he's with his best friend and goes to throw up somewhere.

Eventually, the brother ends up finding out when the younger brother calls out his friend's name while they have sex. Then it somehow ends in all three having a threesome, and the younger brother realizing the love his older brother has for him is a sort of violent way to show love and this message of "love shown in different ways" or something like that.

I believe it was a one-shot or just very short.
