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I haven't been able to sleep at night after reading this one and specially after reading t...

Shirayuki Hinata April 6, 2021 5:24 am

I haven't been able to sleep at night after reading this one and specially after reading the letter. I liked the story so muchhhhhh. Everyone might hate me for saying this but I wish Zhishu had given Jiang a chance to at least speak his mind, because until the end he loved him even when he was with Ai he loved Jiang and that is totally understandable. Maybe if he had given him chance Ai might also would have been able to leave past behind. They were good to one another for so long. Of course I'm not saying Jiang doesn't deserve punishment and all but Zhishu's sickness was enough in this situation when you know that your loved one doesn't have much time left. It wasn't all Jiang's fault that kid was also to blame, he took advantage of Jiang whenever he was drunk, which lead to these circumstances. Even when Zhishu was taking his last breath he said, "Let's go home together after school" which simply means until the end he loved Jiang. He even said after leaving Jiang that he never regretted his decision of following him all these years ago. Well this what I think I'm just sharing my opinion

    毛明悦 April 7, 2021 8:43 pm

    I disagree with you. Telling a man that doesn't love you that you have cancer would only generate sympathy and guilt. Not love. If your boyfriend loses feelings for you and abuses you when you are well, and suddenly treats you better when you are sick, he is staying with you because he feels bad.

    And the main reason ZhiShu stayed by WenShu's side was due to loyalty and false hope, because of WenShu's kindness and lovingness when they were in their prime (when they were young). Which is why he said he "never regretted [his] decision of following [him] all those YEARS AGO." Notice how he mentioned the past and not their relationship's current state.

    Shirayuki Hinata April 8, 2021 10:47 am
    I disagree with you. Telling a man that doesn't love you that you have cancer would only generate sympathy and guilt. Not love. If your boyfriend loses feelings for you and abuses you when you are well, and sud... 毛明悦

    You should know that Jiang never stopped loving Zhishu. I think every relationship at some point losses it's zest, (not necessarily in every)
    If Jiang didn't love him he wouldn't wait for him, he still doesn't believe that Zhishu died because of his love.
    I said before it's just my way of thinking no one has to agree with it.

    毛明悦 April 9, 2021 4:03 am
    You should know that Jiang never stopped loving Zhishu. I think every relationship at some point losses it's zest, (not necessarily in every) If Jiang didn't love him he wouldn't wait for him, he still doesn't ... Shirayuki Hinata

    Ehhhh. I disagree. Jiang just feels guilty. He doesn't love him. That's why the doctor just told him (I forgot what chapter) that Jiang was just trying to make himself feel better my entertaining his own disbelief.

    Shirayuki Hinata April 9, 2021 2:31 pm
    Ehhhh. I disagree. Jiang just feels guilty. He doesn't love him. That's why the doctor just told him (I forgot what chapter) that Jiang was just trying to make himself feel better my entertaining his own disbel... 毛明悦

    I assure you that is not the truth. Look I'm not saying that what Jiang did was right but if only Zhishu would have talked to him before his final moments it would have given him a sort of peace because he loved him till the end. If Jiang didn't have any feelings for him he wouldn't have searched for him or tried to bargain for the bone marrow. He wouldn't have gone through the car when planes weren't able to fly in that storm. He just believed that Zhishu would never leave him but after he did Jiang was introduced to reality that's it.