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Thirsty hoe April 6, 2021 5:59 am

So i dont know if you have heard of the genre quick transmigration or counterattack stories but ya they are awesome...most of them..
so last year i binge read all of the quick transmigration novels i could possibly find and thought reading new mangas of novels might be good...B.U.T now thati am reading them..i always feel as if the mc is bitch and always think ablout how cool it would be if the side charcters counter has spoiled my reading quality..
now i cant enjoy anything without feeling that the mc is a dumb cock sucking black bellied white lotus green tea bitch...the same goes with the i always feel that the ml is a big scumbag..
i lost interest in medical return , when the yakuza falls in love, the reason why raeline ended up in the dukes manor..and these are only a few of the mangas ive lost interest in..there and many novels ive dropped becaause of this....
