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Looking for a manga

wow199548 March 17, 2016 10:46 am

Its about a one night stand between a guy who great a work/ work minded but is a womanizer and a female who owns her own successful lingerie store. After the one night to which the guy wakes up to find his suit ready for work (which is a new thing to the guy because the female partner usually leaves a wrinkled suit so as to tell other ladies of their last night's affair-> back off). He later finds her at the Japanese styled restaurant which her mother owns and where she reluctantly part-time works due to her mother's nagging about spending more time together. The restaurant is a local haunt of the guy's due to its good food and gentle ambiance. Anyway they carry on with a no string attached relationship, until she finds herself falling for the guy, because he isn't intimidated due of her successful career. However, she soon breaks it off with him because she hears the rumour (at the restaurant) that the guy's boss wants him married off with his daughter, which she thinks he will be agreeable due to the success it will bring to his work. He finds her later (she was busy or something and he couldn't get in touch with her), however, she tells him that she is engaged and shows him the ring. I think he laughs at it and tells her that he knows that it is fake because her mother told him so. HEA... ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Thanks in Advance(≧∀≦)

    mia March 17, 2016 11:10 am

    hey, if anybody know, please let us know. The description sounds really interesting and i would love to read it, too :)

    KyoZaNa✿ March 17, 2016 12:23 pm - Characters in each story/chapter relate in one way or another.. but I think that story is in Ch.3 ?

    wow199548 March 17, 2016 1:20 pm - Characters in each story/chapter relate in one way or another.. but I think that story is in Ch.3 ? KyoZaNa✿

    Hahaha yes they do! Thank YOU so much ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ...just didnt add that bit, as you saw, the explanation was already far too long!!!( ̄∇ ̄")

    KyoZaNa✿ March 17, 2016 1:26 pm

    I'm glad we found! Yeh.. \(^○^)人(^○^)/

    mia March 17, 2016 6:10 pm

    thanks so much :)
    this community is great!