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idk... March 18, 2016 12:21 pm

this is insanely triggering to depressed people.

    Mountandrew April 28, 2016 1:29 am

    I can't believe someone thumbed this comment down... I'm glad you commented this, I was wondering if I should read any of it once I saw an umbrella lodge in someone's eye socket x_x So THUMBS UP from me.

    LonelyLurker January 17, 2017 11:34 pm
    I can't believe someone thumbed this comment down... I'm glad you commented this, I was wondering if I should read any of it once I saw an umbrella lodge in someone's eye socket x_x So THUMBS UP from me. Mountandrew

    Yeah this story is extremely triggering, especially rape, violence and depression/suicide. Some of these triggers hit home for me, but I still see this story as such: GOOD AND TEACHING. It has this unexplainable pure light in it. It will make you cry a river, but it is written with hope. It has a really deep good feeling, that seriously touches you, that could give you something to think about. Mostly because the persons are so REAL and have suffered so much. Please, even if you're afraid of the triggers, still consider giving it a try.

    Mountandrew January 18, 2017 5:12 am
    Yeah this story is extremely triggering, especially rape, violence and depression/suicide. Some of these triggers hit home for me, but I still see this story as such: GOOD AND TEACHING. It has this unexplainabl... @LonelyLurker

    Trust me, I'd LOVE to spend any amount of free time reading yaoi, but I've been diagnosed with moderate depression so I'd rather not take the chance xD

    LonelyLurker January 18, 2017 8:51 pm
    Trust me, I'd LOVE to spend any amount of free time reading yaoi, but I've been diagnosed with moderate depression so I'd rather not take the chance xD Mountandrew

    Okay, do what feels best for you! :>