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Waitt.... This is confusing me... Aoi gengo rape Cassandra. The mecha-dark skinned-girl is...

Hilliaw March 18, 2016 12:29 pm

Waitt.... This is confusing me...
Aoi gengo rape Cassandra. The mecha-dark skinned-girl is their child. And Freezing is all about some new stuff which overwhelms the previous creation, while Satellizer+Kazuya combination STILL will be the one wo beat tem all?

    goticbabe March 18, 2016 12:37 pm

    wrong.... it was kazuya's dad that raped cassandra. so that girl is kazuya's younger half sister, which is why she wakes up with an "oni-san"...

    HCW March 19, 2016 6:21 pm
    wrong.... it was kazuya's dad that raped cassandra. so that girl is kazuya's younger half sister, which is why she wakes up with an "oni-san"... @goticbabe

    Exactly. I like this new improvement.