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What the actual shit

anna April 7, 2021 4:56 pm

Just got a notification that this manhwa is being removed from tappy and im so pissed off rn cuz this is one of my fav series and it literally has 70+ to complete. Nah cuz I'm literally confused how can they just stop a series, its so disrespectful to ppl who've been buying chs (200+) and you just left us in the middle of nowhere. I wanna break a plate rn

    Tai April 7, 2021 5:28 pm

    i feel you, i only just started it before getting slapped with that email two days ago. tbh im gonna send tappytoon an angry email and tbh you should too. customers need to revolt. like you CANNOT cease publication of a paid comic like this WITHOUT an explanation. and tbh people should be refunded at cost to tappytoon. imaging investing in a story for YEARS only to be told in the final quarter of the story run that u are not gonna get a conclusion. (its esp infuriating cause last i checked daum doesnt rly work for overseas buyers, so its not like any of us located outside of SK or without SK identifcation can just pop over to daum, buy the rest of the chpts and then share them with potential fan groups. since some groups MIGHT be willing ot pick it up if enough people are asking for it but without easy access to Raws who the tf would bother? not like they gettin paid. but u know who WAS getting paid FUCKING TAPPYTOON! im SO mad. this series has some of the most gorgeous art ive ever seen i'd even buy raws just to get a semblance of an idea of the conclusion or just to look at the images but no. like...and again NO explanation? and this is now almost 10 comics gone from the site after losing 5 comcis back in march. and no explanation and im left wondering wtf the point is in investing in tappytoon going forward? like i am one of the people that constantly tries to pay for comics or support in other ways and link to official sites and do my best to get people at least aware of them and subbing to series and like....when official platforms do shit like this how can i ask people to NOT pirate? like...its so insulting and unfair. and this def effects authors too, like this woman will no longer have access to overseas readers until some other places picks her title up and its not like her title is super hot and popular that other sites are gonna tripping over themselves to pick it up. i truly cant fathom why this is continuing to happen and because the art is so gorgeous i was always in favor of reading it on TT cause rips dont do the images justice alot of the time. ughhhh im sorry for ranting here but aside from the furious email i send there's nothing else i can do and i kind of wnat to wash my hands of tappytoon completely now. if they did this for ONLY completed comics i would still be frustrated but not as mad as i am now but doing it for Pale Horse? unacceptable. fuck them for this.

    anna April 8, 2021 12:21 pm
    i feel you, i only just started it before getting slapped with that email two days ago. tbh im gonna send tappytoon an angry email and tbh you should too. customers need to revolt. like you CANNOT cease publica... Tai

    Same, I tried to access daum but I'm pretty sure int readers do not have access. I'm so fucking petty about this manhwa. Damn it

    Ryle April 9, 2021 10:33 am
    i feel you, i only just started it before getting slapped with that email two days ago. tbh im gonna send tappytoon an angry email and tbh you should too. customers need to revolt. like you CANNOT cease publica... Tai

    I think it’s pointless to blame Tappytoon cuz the comic was probably under contract and then the author/original publisher didn’t want to extend it :/