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beautiful GL. tappytoon was the original license and site for this in engish but this will...

Tai April 7, 2021 5:37 pm

beautiful GL. tappytoon was the original license and site for this in engish but this will be removed on April 10th 2021. why? who tf knows! they aint telling people shit. luckily it can still be purchased in full and if u do so u can keep the chpts however if u dont have the money to buy 80+ CHPTS OF A COMIC in one go, then the place u can support it and access it is Pocket Comics, which is a mobile comics site. they have so many fun missions, free tickets, affordable currency packs, wait for free and read for free with ads options. so its alot more affordable than tappytoon so if u cant pay for all the chpts at once then i absolutely recommend reading it there, the interface is very nice and i dont have issues with crashing or freezing like some other comics apps.
Supporting GL comics is especially important guys cause so few get licensed as is. there's alot more GL on korean platforms that DONT get picked up cause most publishers assume that they just dont get as much views or paying customers so if u like a GL comic absolutely show it! as much as u can! so we can get more of em!
