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vin April 8, 2021 3:23 am

I liked it it’s a good read I like reading psychological shit but this is not a romance and will never be one I’m honestly very like confused on why people ship these two And try to sugar coat it Bc no mofo this is not no fucking romance ( I said this because of sum shit I saw on twitter )

    Kat Kelly April 13, 2021 6:49 am

    James Somerton did a good video on YouTube talking about the “relationship” in this story, and why it’s toxic as hell and not romantic in the slightest
    But also talks about how this ended up being romanticised and why someone may ship the characters (mostly marketing; teen girls like gay romance, so put a “yaoi”/“bl” tag, and they’re more likely to read than if it said just “horror”/“thriller”, so we get more money)
    I would recommend