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uhh that was nicee *Q* goshh I guess I like also such love crazied smuggish seme who tries...

SamuraiSx March 19, 2016 10:50 pm

uhh that was nicee *Q* goshh I guess I like also such love crazied smuggish seme who tries by any means of pretense to get uke ~~ Ninno has luck to be loved like this XD
/ for the readers here spitting stupid comments just to look smart asses but didn't get the story.. ISN'T THE POINT in minority of women by interraction of main guys nor they would cure it but not beeing gay. the problem was on GENETICAL and CHEMICAL base by mutation of protein. it's like virus so wtf are your comments about 'stop beeing gay and there ill be more oman'' ? T_T really kids who don't read the story properly..
