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Did the adds stop for anyone else too?? I'm so happy that I'm not getting them anymore.

Ms.Fujoshi March 20, 2016 12:57 am

Did the adds stop for anyone else too??
I'm so happy that I'm not getting them anymore.

    UGH March 20, 2016 1:01 am

    yea for me too for the most part

    cleo March 20, 2016 1:03 am

    To be honest, I never had adds probleme, because i have an adblocker, so i didn't understand Why so many people were angry and disapointed!

    Ms.Fujoshi March 20, 2016 1:20 am
    To be honest, I never had adds probleme, because i have an adblocker, so i didn't understand Why so many people were angry and disapointed! cleo

    Because an add popped up every other second,that's why they were angry and disappointed. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍