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i'm so angry, let me vent

Sukunapapi April 8, 2021 2:37 pm

i supported sangwoo and yoonbum more than i supported these mfs... aaah i really want to punch both of them.
uke is still an insecure hoe and he caused seme too much pain and he suddenly pops up again just to fuck seme's life
and seme is a cheating hoe and he's so easily manipulated... i don't really care about their "undying love" because i think seme would live happily with his wife and kid. and i hated author gave him a child, uke broke up with seme to let him have a family and now seme has both a kid and uke. They should've lost something idk if you know what i mean.
That story could have been a good one with an angsty ending. like yeah they saw each other again but they shouldn't have got back together. fcking 10 year old looking emotionally unstable selfish weirdos

    Mahk971 April 20, 2021 5:34 pm

    Sorry I’m late for the party but you perfectly summed up this story. I couldn’t stand Haero, Don was dumb and Nami as well. I hated that they ended up together when Don had a good life with Nami. Now he lives with an insecure coward who’s still thinking about « letting him go ». Tss