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You all hate this story because it's so close to the reality of our world (the toxic side ...

Raekyo April 9, 2021 11:00 am

You all hate this story because it's so close to the reality of our world (the toxic side of our world)
If you can't handle the reality you can find some fluff, cute fairytale where there's two innocent guys and they will have love at first sight and you can have a bunch of cliché and melt your heart
If you hate this story that much,you should just drop it , Why do you torment yourself so much?

    Rhem April 10, 2021 10:00 pm

    I was looking for a plot like this. I've read this in less than 2 hours with a box of tissue beside me. And I agree, this is so close to reality I mean their characters, struggles and the harsh society they will be facing for... it's relatable. Kudos to the author.