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I love the last ch. with the oji-san 😍

LOL March 21, 2016 10:37 pm

I love the last ch. with the oji-san

    akuma_river March 22, 2016 12:08 am

    I'm not sure how to feel about it because Hiro repeatedly through the decades had his heart broken. It also sounds like he remained single while the love of his life kept having relationships.

    Reminds me too much of the Sherlock Holmes books. Watson was a player and Holmes was a confirmed bachelor. I always felt so bad for Holmes having such an unrequited love.

    winna March 22, 2016 11:58 am
    I'm not sure how to feel about it because Hiro repeatedly through the decades had his heart broken. It also sounds like he remained single while the love of his life kept having relationships.Reminds me too muc... akuma_river

    I'm sorry,, but I am curious about sherlock book you talk about (=ãƒģĪ‰ãƒģ=)
    mind to tell me,, please... it makes me really curious ŲŠ(āš‘❛ᴗ❛āš‘)Ûļ
    *sorry for bad english

    akuma_river March 22, 2016 4:05 pm
    I'm sorry,, but I am curious about sherlock book you talk about (=ãƒģĪ‰ãƒģ=)mind to tell me,, please... it makes me really curious ŲŠ(āš‘❛ᴗ❛āš‘)Ûļ*sorry for bad english winna

    The original book and stories ( Context is needed to explain this, so please excuse the long post.

    They were written in a time of extreme homophobia (Victoria Age of 1880-1900s) and it was illegal. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ( was besties with Oscar Wilde ( who was charged and sent to prison for sodomy. He got caught being gay because of his book The Portrait of Dorian Gray ( which featured...I guess we would consider him nowadays a bisexual MC. It pissed off the religious elite who wanted him prosecuted for offending moral values. They couldn't, and then things happened in which his affair with a man got revealed. He spent two years in prison and died destitute in Paris at only 46 years of age.

    It was seen as more acceptable for people of those inclinations to be 'life long bachelors' or 'old maids' who never married. Typically these people had 'roommates' of the same sex they lived with for the rest of their lives since it was sort of seen as improper for people to live alone. At least those with money and means.

    So with these coded messages of what we would call homosexuality nowadays there has been many hints that Sherlock Holmes was a) gay (in the closest) and b) in love with John Watson. John Watson in turn would alternate between living with Sherlock Holmes and being married. I think he got married 4 times in book canon, while movies typically only have him being with Mary Watson his first wife who most likely died in childbirth she just disappeared (a lot of his wives just appear and disappear), and he would repeatedly go back to Sherlock Holmes.

    Holmes could have been asexual and aromantic but it looks more like he was canonally gay but due to the censorship and fear at that time of anything being textually stated as such it is only subtextual. We know he had no issues with homosexuals since he was besties with Oscar Wilde and it was an open secret Wilde was gay. So if he wanted a gay character and to not get in trouble with people then the way he wrote the Sherlock Holmes series is basically how it could be done. There are many things that happen in the books that only make sense if Holmes was in love with Watson. There are also issues with 'lying narrator' of Watson as if Watson himself was censoring events in the stories.

    There is a movie called The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes ( which does sort of delve a bit deeper on this and does sort of portray Sherlock Holmes as a closeted gay man. Also, one version of a Sherlock Holmes tv show, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, known as the Granada series (, was played by a bisexual man, Jeremy Brett (, who played Sherlock Holmes as a closeted gay man. Jeremy Brett's portrayal ( of Sherlock Holmes is seen as the quintessential Sherlock Holmes. They also covered the vast majority of Sherlock Holmes book canon (60 stories) with 41 episodes and filmed from 1984-1994 and Brett died in 1995.

    All of this is why the new Sherlock tv series ( written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss ( (gay) is very important because shortly before the show was made Gatiss had made remarks that he wanted to do a story of a detective who did his work and then at the end came home to his husband. The Doyle estate previously had exclusive rights and threatened to sue anyone (not fanfic, but professional adaptations) who featured Holmes as gay. There has been numerous meta written about there is an endgame of Sherlock and John. You can find a bunch of it on tumblr under the tag TJLC which means The Johnlock Conspiracy.

    So back to the story and why I compare it to Sherlock Holmes. Hiro seems to have lived his life as a 'confirmed bachelor' never marrying. He also seems to have not dated other men. So while his best friend who he has been in love with for decades keeps marrying (twice) and 'leaving' him he is still in love with him and constantly hurt by this. Add in the fact that they were having sex after the first marriage ended... Yeah, it's very bittersweet. Now it's requited love and they are able to be a couple...but there is this feeling of lack of trust on Hiro's part because of how much his lover has screwed him over in the past. Hell, they aren't even living together.

    So yeah, it made me think of Holmes and Watson and how Watson kept leaving Holmes in the lurch and marrying women.

    winna March 22, 2016 4:54 pm

    GAWD!!! No... you make me see holmes and watson in "new" light (āš‘â€ĸㅂâ€ĸ)Ųˆâœ§

    akuma_river March 22, 2016 5:16 pm
    GAWD!!! No... you make me see holmes and watson in "new" light (āš‘â€ĸㅂâ€ĸ)Ųˆâœ§ winna

    Welcome to the eternally suffering Johnlock ship. We've been around for over a hundred years. :D

    I dare you to re-read the series and see if you see the ship now. Once you realize it's possible it's had to not see it.

    winna March 23, 2016 12:55 am

    yeah.. you make me scared to read sherlock holmes novel now... sherlock tendency to be sarcastic will looks like he's teasing watson now... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄Ī‰â„¡⁄ ⁄)⁄

    woooaah,, you have to take the responsibility *LOL kidding girl

    akuma_river March 23, 2016 2:27 am
    yeah.. you make me scared to read sherlock holmes novel now... sherlock tendency to be sarcastic will looks like he's teasing watson now... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄Ī‰â„¡⁄ ⁄)⁄ woooaah,, you have to take the ... winna

    Don't forget how often Watson 'ejaculates'. Which...ACD was probably using it in the descriptive manner of exclamation...but even back then it was used as the way we do it now.

    The one good thing we have in book canon is that Watson always went back to Holmes and they always stayed together for years. From the moment Watson met until his death their friendship lasted over 40 years. In fact, Watson most likely lived out his last years with Holmes who retired to Suffolk and became a bee keeper. Holmes outlived Watson by several years. There was a movie with Sir Ian McKellen (another gay man portraying Holmes) called Mr. Holmes which takes place in Holmes' twilight years after Watson died.
    An aged, retired Sherlock Holmes deals with early dementia as he tries to remember both his final case and a mysterious woman whose memory haunts him. He also befriends a fan, the young son of his housekeeper, who wants him to work again.

    Which is another reason why this story reminded me of Holmes and Watson because they are also going to spend the rest of their twilight years together.

    winna April 15, 2016 3:16 pm
    Don't forget how often Watson 'ejaculates'. Which...ACD was probably using it in the descriptive manner of exclamation...but even back then it was used as the way we do it now. The one good thing we have in boo... akuma_river

    I just starting to watch holmes tv series by BBC, so MANY yaoi hints everywhere... and I remember you all of sudden,, Oh girl.. you sure brought me to JohnLock world

    akuma_river April 15, 2016 5:57 pm
    I just starting to watch holmes tv series by BBC, so MANY yaoi hints everywhere... and I remember you all of sudden,, Oh girl.. you sure brought me to JohnLock world winna

    *smiles widely*

    Btw, have you watched all of it yet?

    1. Unaired Pilot (way gay, compare it to first ep)
    2. Season 1, 3 eps [A Study in Pink, The Blind Banker, The Great Game]
    3. Season 2, 3 eps [A Scandal in Belgravia, The Hounds of Baskerville, The Reichenbach Fall]
    4. Many Happy Returns (an extra leading up to The Empty Hearse but may or may not be canon)
    5. Season 3, 3 eps [The Empty Hearse, The Sign of Three, His Last Vow]
    6. The Abominable Bride (you think it's not part of canon but it really is)
    7. Season 4 (not aired yet)

    You can find the extra stuff on the dvds/blu-rays or

    Btw, A Scandal in Belgravia takes place over a LONG period of time and a lot of us think it goes from The Great Game all the way to the beginning of The Reichenback Fall. Only go back and think on that after you see the whole of Season 2. Then re-watch it with that in mind and you will notice some very interesting things.

    Plus, Jealous!John is is awesome to see.

    Let me know when you see TAB there is SOOO much to discuss about what this means about who Mary is and who she is working for.

    winna April 16, 2016 2:21 am
    *smiles widely*Btw, have you watched all of it yet?1. Unaired Pilot (way gay, compare it to first ep)2. Season 1, 3 eps [A Study in Pink, The Blind Banker, The Great Game]3. Season 2, 3 eps [A Scandal in Belgra... akuma_river

    I already watched season 1-2 and The Abominable Bride, btw the movie one is what brought me to follow this series

    just saw a glimpse of The Empty Hearse... how Sherlock so confident about Watson will forgive him easily and Watson forgot about the whole propose thing because he finally met Sherlock again definitely a big blow for me... gawd, I don't know what I'm babbling about..

    will finish the rest of the series, and I don't know if I'm strong enough wait until 2017 for the forth season

    akuma_river April 16, 2016 2:41 am
    I already watched season 1-2 and The Abominable Bride, btw the movie one is what brought me to follow this seriesjust saw a glimpse of The Empty Hearse... how Sherlock so confident about Watson will forgive him... winna

    Were you able to follow TAB when you haven't seen S3?

    TEH is an example of 'breaking up is hard to do...especially if you are still in love.' Everything John does is out of anger because he still loves Sherlock. Sherlock...just didn't think John would miss him. And it's canon from the book, but back then John was already married to Mary and moved out and living on his own. So here, Sherlock is using the 'you dated others and moved on so why do you care' kind of expectation.

    John thinks Sherlock doesn't care but it's the opposite. He cares too much so he shuts it down and ignores it because if he lets it in then it will destroy him.

    Remember, Sherlock identifies himself as a sociopath but he wears it like a Hannibal Lecter personsuit.

    Btw, the Sherlock fandom is known as the fandom that waits because we get 3 eps every couple of years. Get used to the LOOOOOOONG waiting times. :D