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Character growth!-Oh, wait, nevermind

QuirkyGirl22 April 9, 2021 2:53 pm

I really thought the blonde was going to be like, "I realize I was wrong, now here, let me warn you and help you", but no, even after realizing that he'll never love her, she still just sees him as a meal ticket to the upper class. As for her offer to be his beard, excuse you, he already has a much better one named Qin Doggy.

And of course, the pink bitch is still a bitch. Can't wait to see her face when Yi Yun unleashes his true acting skills on her.

And yes, the green bitch is also still a bitch, but is it me, or did she get just a teeny tiny smidgeon of an iota better? Even if she didn't, at least she is listening to her family again, and her brother (so far) seems like an alright guy. At least we know he's got great taste in women ;-)
