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This is just blow to hell!

SpaceBunny March 22, 2016 6:41 pm

I feel like he is surrounded by cunts (forgive my cussing) both are playing mind games with him. Now a new one taking the stage (I dub her manger bitch) to make his life more hellish. Run man run...... no one would blame you or just get mean and start playing the games right back. Dude a submissive male fun to play with but he will be nothing more than a toy for them pick up, fuck with and then drop. (︶︿︶)=凸(I'm a female been married for 20 years and before that I played) Okay rant over.

    lala March 23, 2016 6:15 am

    mijn was a gem he just didn't realize

    SpaceBunny March 24, 2016 2:43 pm

    True Mijin was nice for friendship but she's a baby game player she's making rookie mistakes like thinking Jae Jin can mind read (no one can unless it's that kind of story) and knows where they stand as well as what they relationship involved into. Also Mijin not willing to fight for it (a better relationship with Jae Jin) then even if she is a gem with all fairness she a good friend but that not what she want with Jae Jin. She let a veteran manipulator run her off ( by the time you are out of school and been around enough women and especially if you are a female you've witness all the relationship games being played out. By the time you are 18 you will have the categories and basics figure out.) Ah but I like this kind of stories that make me feel emotions from. It makes me think about the old days and smile.( I'm sure this story will work it way out.)