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Dear anyone who's read this~

monkey88 April 10, 2021 6:37 am

I call monarch programming off the cover alone. No clue if I'm right as I won't read it but I bet this kid is fucked at the end (not literally as idt this is BL lol).

^This is what I posted here back in February and I have to wonder how right/wrong I was?

    CHOSO'S COCK ENTHUSIAST May 24, 2021 12:58 pm

    nah the kid ain't fucked up just quiet and very observant AND hides a lot of secrets

    sid-chi November 8, 2023 2:23 pm

    And he is no kid, he is a father of two, it's the art style lol
    Tho his oldest can be something like that "someone who acquired a power to not die and was persecuted for that, turned cold to the world and is hunted by being a monster and wyada wyada"