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Han_Yu3 March 23, 2016 6:05 am

I remembered reading and watching this anime (≧∀≦) and I am now re-reading this. It says shounen-ai but it feels more like subtle shounen-ai (probably because no blatant romancing and the like -__-) I wish there's more because when I watch the anime it felt so short (because it Talk about a man surrounded by human-like animal there's one like this (Monster Musume I think) but it's harem/ecchi.

Off topic: Why don't we ever have ecchi with male character? We just have fan service (like taking off their clothes and shots of their chest and abs) but I guess it's a bit hard cuz there's no boobs to grab (we do have them manboob so maybe...? ლ(´ڡ`ლ)) and the character can't accidentally took of another man's pants or some shit Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Also because of the off topic I even search what the difference between ecchi and fanservice (wow dedication... I definitely have too much free time) and this is what I get. Fan service is anything that has nothing to do with the actual story (like an episode where a character who usually wear normal clothes go to the beach and show more skin by wearing bikini) . Echi I'm pretty sure just applies to the more sexualized fan services without actually doing the sexual act ex. pantyshots.

Btw, kudos to whoever finished reading this rambling XP

    lenalena December 18, 2016 6:16 pm

    To me fanservice = little things that have nothing to do with the plot and are easily ignorable (eg. pantyshots, minuscule obscuring during bath scenes)
    Ecchi = scenes and character design (super big boobs, dialogue full of innuendos, etc.)

    Han_Yu3 December 20, 2016 12:17 pm
    To me fanservice = little things that have nothing to do with the plot and are easily ignorable (eg. pantyshots, minuscule obscuring during bath scenes)Ecchi = scenes and character design (super big boobs, dial... lenalena

    Oh... WOW~ somebody actually read this random rambling I made about fanservice and ecchi? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)