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i've reread this twice bc i have so many questions ;-;

ZOYA April 10, 2021 11:18 pm

if they really did get separated for a long time, then it just confuses me more. why is everything still so normal like time just stopped? they can't even go on a day without eo but when he goes missing for about 3-4 yrs, no major search & rescue op or whatsoever? they even just discussed the reason for his disappearance over dinner like it's no biggie :,) it's the lack of panic for me. anw maybe i'm looking too much into this but i really am vv curious </3 their future was so different from what they planned & envisioned that it makes u wonder ㅠㅠ

    11.11 April 10, 2021 11:45 pm

    I mean
    Considering his mother and he tian's whole family there must be some kinda family situation, probably the reason for the lack of the panic, shown, it could be like a behind the scenes thing