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Volume 3 Spoilers

hi4to6 April 11, 2021 1:07 am

My paper copy has arrived and here are the promised spoilers. Scroll down for spoilers...

Chapter 20
Starts off focused on Chris and Luka with a bit of tearful drama between the two of them. (There is a lot more of Chris and Luka throughout Volume 3.) Then switches to some development between Joel and Adam. Adam does his typical flirtations and tries on Joel's glasses. Chapter ends.

Chapter 21
Continues with more Chris and Luka. Joel meets with the Cardinal and there is a flashback to a younger Joel causing drama with the villain uncle while advising the previous king. We get a cut away to the uncle now, being an ass as per usual, and tormenting the kid he essentially kidnapped at the end of Volume 2. He dwells on his hatred for Joel. Chapter ends.

Chapter 22
This appears to be a fan service chapter. It is a costume party and characters are wearing animal ears. Starts with Luka (with rabbit ears) and Chris (with fox ears). Then Joel (with ram horns) and Adam (with wolf ears) appear. Second couple (the prince and Gil) show up as a cat and a dog. This chapter is mostly Chris and Luka. Chris and Luka switch costumes and have a few cute moments. Some kind of information is told to Adam at the end of the chapter but with my limited understanding of Japanese I'm not exactly sure what.

Chapter 23
Still at the party, Luka and Chris enjoy fireworks together. Some of the adults have gathered over the information given to Adam at the end of the last chapter (the Caridnal, Adam, Joel, the crossdressing body guard kid, etc.). A body has been discovered - I think the man the uncle murdered at the end of Volume 2. Plot and drama are discussed for several pages. After leaving the meeting, Adam and Joel go off alone. Adam forces Joel, who is exhausted, to lay down on his lap and rest. Flirtation and lap-pillowing ensues for several pages. The chapter ends.

Chapter 24
We start with Luka leaving in a carriage. Adam practices with his sword elsewhere for a few pages. We cut away to the uncle and foreign prince guy (I'm so sorry I forgot his name) and they chat about villainy things for a few pages. Then evil uncle reveals he has Luka's ribbon that Chris gave him, implying something has happened to Luka. We cut to some drama I cannot decipher with Adam, the Cardinal, Joel, and a crying lady. It appears that Joel's reputation is being tarnished by the uncle. Sorry that I can't figure out exactly what is happening.

Chapter 25
We start with the queen and Chris. We cut back to the Prince and the uncle. The prince is throwing a fit. Several pages pass with just the two of them but then Gil appears. The prince says some things to Gil which result in him publically trying to pull a sword on him. Gil is restrained by guards, but then manages to fight his way free before the prince shoots him in the chest with a gun. Gil falls through a window and into the water below. The chapter ends.

Chapter 26
We start with Adam and his servant, discussing Adam's obsession with Joel as per usual while his servant attempts to tolerate him. We cut to the Caridnal and Joel discussing plot. Several pages later, a blackmailing letter is sent to Joel's house, including the ribbon that Chris had given to Luka. Joel goes to some government (?) building where a bomb has been planted and tries to warn everybody. The bomb goes off and suspicion falls on Joel. Thanks to the uncle's plot, Joel is arrested and thrown in prison. Adam, of course, is beside himself and rallies with some of the supporting characters. We cut to Joel alone in a prison cell, where Adam manages to sneak in pretending to be a guard to try to sneak him out. Joel, being Joel, refuses and Adam knocks him out so he can be carried out. Adam hands off Joel to his servant and then appears to be disguising himself as Lord Montague to take Joel's place. The chapter ends.

Short bonus of Adam feeding Joel fruit. The end of Volume 3.

Can't wait for another 20 years before we get Volume 4. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    baggedmilk April 11, 2021 11:07 am much drama....just give me endgame joel and adam. ╥﹏╥ i don't care about the little kiddies man or the side couple... god the slow burn hurts (⊙…⊙ )

    Txbio April 16, 2021 10:27 pm

    If you don’t mind, can you tell me where you purchased the physical copy? σ(^_^;)

    hi4to6 April 18, 2021 11:14 am
    If you don’t mind, can you tell me where you purchased the physical copy? σ(^_^;) Txbio

    I purchased it through Manga Republic.

    Txbio April 18, 2021 11:53 am

    Thank you!!!