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A regularity

Mashiro March 26, 2016 4:42 pm

I guess that after 4 chapters of this beautiful manga, I have learned thaaaaaat..... EVERY night Souma will present his vision of Yoshizawa! Who doesn't think love a potential bromance goin' on, huh?

    Aiteal March 27, 2016 8:10 am

    yeah! i think Bromance with him so much lol it's confusing and alla of this because i read too much Yaoi i think XD

    Mashiro March 27, 2016 11:30 am
    yeah! i think Bromance with him so much lol it's confusing and alla of this because i read too much Yaoi i think XD Aiteal

    Nnonononno! It's never TOO much to read yaoi, my friend. Even though it WILL be a problem coz every manga or anime or movie we see shall have their yaoi/bromance pairing!!!!!