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Please help me find this

Weilan_00 April 12, 2021 4:23 pm

He’s forced into reincarnating with his... lover? By the village chief or something so that they can defeat the devil or a demon. He is sometimes reborn without her and that’s part of the reason why reincarnating is so painful for him. In his current life his “lover” is born male. I’ll just start listing other random stuff I remember. They have special friendship bracelets made my his “lover”. There are two devil/demons (I think there was only supposed to be one which throws them off) and the other one turns out to be their close friend. This friend was treated badly by his mother because he was not the main people’s vessel (which I don’t think excuses his behaviour. He seems to hate them). Honestly, I don’t know how she didn’t see it coming considering the two other children looked exactly like the main people and were obviously going to be the vessels!!?. They get transferred over as children through a ceremony I think.

    Toffee April 12, 2021 4:40 pm

    Not sure abt the girl part tho can't remember

    Weilan_00 April 12, 2021 6:44 pm sure abt the girl part tho can't remember Toffee

    Thanks for the effort :) I appreciate it. But I think it was a Japanese story (manga) not a webtoon/manhwa. I should have clarified sorry.