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That last Chapter made me cry it was so fucked up and beautiful at the same time it left m...

The Reader December 1, 2012 4:28 am

That last Chapter made me cry it was so fucked up and beautiful at the same time it left me speechless.

    Anonymous November 7, 2013 6:06 am

    Me too! So sad. But there is nothing like realizing how unhealthy a past relationship was to make you appreciate your current healthy relationship. I'm so happy the younger brother found true love after having such a painful first experience.

    Anonymous August 20, 2015 11:36 pm
    Me too! So sad. But there is nothing like realizing how unhealthy a past relationship was to make you appreciate your current healthy relationship. I'm so happy the younger brother found true love after having ... @Anonymous

    im actually kinda feel uncertain about the last story , i dont rly like itou sensei and woudl rather have seen sasaki with the younger bro and it kinda made the last story tragic for me but the younger bro was happy so im happy for him too