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Y’all are gonna downvote me but...

Fuggy April 13, 2021 6:55 am

This manga feels so rushed. I feel like it could discuss his trauma much more than what it has done. We went from him crying to his wife about his rape to him buying sex toys to put in his ass THE VERY NEXT CHAPTER. I cant be the only one who thinks this story is not paced well. I understand it’s a BL, but the MC Is supposedly straight, and he was raped for weeks by a man. And then the next time we see him he’s shoving things up his ass. As a sexual assault victim and one who has many friends who are the same, I feel like he wouldn’t have wanted to have sex so quickly or even be interested in other men immediately like that. In fact, he might even fear men who are interested in him, considering he’s straight right? Or if I’m getting it wrong and he IS gay, he would still be wary of others due to trauma. Also his personality did a 180. I’m just saying. It could have talked about his trauma waaaaay better than what it is doing. First impressions matter and even if it gets better, it’s certainly not starting off that way. Dropped.

    Gay for the Gay God April 13, 2021 2:58 pm

    Sometimes instead of becoming uncomfortable with sex, after sexual assault the victim becomes hypersexual as a way of coping. It's just one of those things. It happened to me :')

    tea_tae_uwu April 14, 2021 1:04 am

    Sorry I meant to downvote, reason being that you misunderstood the pacing of this manhwa. If you looked and read a bit more throughly you will notice that there’s a a timeskip and flashbacks. Another being that you can’t really stand for all of the people that were sexually abused, assaulted, or raped. And the last being that “MC’s personality a 180” my issue with this comment was that the manhwa never showed how the MC was BEFORE the traumatic event. All we saw was that traumatic event and then how he is after.

    Fuggy April 14, 2021 6:15 am
    Sorry I meant to downvote, reason being that you misunderstood the pacing of this manhwa. If you looked and read a bit more throughly you will notice that there’s a a timeskip and flashbacks. Another being th... tea_tae_uwu

    there shouldnt be a timeskip about rape. Yall cant just use that as a tool in a story wihtout giving readers a time to process it. Thats my point. And duh i cant, however, thats how it is for the MAJORITY of us. The MC was RAPED AND KIDNAPPED. YALL GOTTA STOP ACTING LIKE THAT ISNT TRAUMATIC

    Fuggy April 14, 2021 6:16 am
    Sometimes instead of becoming uncomfortable with sex, after sexual assault the victim becomes hypersexual as a way of coping. It's just one of those things. It happened to me :') Gay for the Gay God

    THats true. However, this pacing is awful

    Gay for the Gay God April 16, 2021 2:11 pm
    THats true. However, this pacing is awful Fuggy

    Won't fight you on that one. You aren't wrong lol this pacing is wild

    Fuggy April 16, 2021 8:58 pm
    Won't fight you on that one. You aren't wrong lol this pacing is wild Gay for the Gay God

    I feel like no matter what, readers should need time to comprehend something as traumatic as rape, and so should the MC. We see he has self help books, it would be great to see a scene where he’s buying them. Or better yet, reading them and crying because it hits too close to home. For him to go from being raped to immediately having sex like NOTHING happened is so weird to me. The time skip made no sense