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it breaks my heart how many people felt like they had to share their trauma in the comment...

Tai April 13, 2021 11:34 pm

it breaks my heart how many people felt like they had to share their trauma in the comments because some of yall cant handle a writer dealing with serious subject matter in a real way. there's way more BL mangas that treat rape and assault like a given and readers just roll on with it cause the story doesnt actually sit with the reality of it and in fact refuses to acknowledge the noncon as rape with real consequences on the human psyche. and look! ive read BLs like that too. im not tryin to shame anybody. but the only thing this writer is doing "wrong" rn is taking the shit seriously and her pov feels so real that i wonder if she's talking from experience or did proper research (unlike some of the rest of you who def know nothing about how trauma effects people. like how much of this complaints that the author isnt being irresponsible is based on justified indignation or anger that ur porn isnt fun and sexy enough for u to ignore the less savory elements of it?) And like dont get me wrong ok, this having a heavy subject matter that u didnt sign up for is a TOTALLY valid reason to feel like the comic is not for u (and i'd be surprised if some survivors decided this was too traumatic or real to read for right now or ever) but when u try to project your discomfort on the author as Doing it Wrong or not knowing her shit its YOU are the one with the problem right now. (also this isnt even getting into how his being a man adds a whole other host of issues with recovery. i dont htink its worse for men so much as less resources are available for male survivors of sexual assault and this is true across the world but esp in more conservative or chauvinistic societies like South Korea's for example).
I feel so bad for him but at least looking at the raws and how we rly get into his psyche and how he has agency thru the whole story, this story isnt going to turn into dumb porn or misery porn. one of my issues with Stigma was how it felt the need to spend so much time on the main guy's misery and abuse and had him be a passive figure who is mostly acted upon and hates themselves. and it was just so rough (not to mention there was some Unfortunate Implications in how the narrative implied that this kid is stuck in this abusive cycle partially thru his own passive acceptance of it, as if his entire sense of self wasnt eroded before he even turned 18 like...gtfo). I like that in this story the guy isnt like esp delicate or feminine, or "easy" to take advantage of. he's not some tragic waif that needs saving from the big bads. rather what he needs "saving" from now is his own trauma that he cant process in a healthy way cause society is SO shit about how it treats survivors of any gender and ofc male ones get an extra heaping of a diff kind of shame. (and the fact that he was a policeman too? gaaaaad yikes).

    Bunnylo April 29, 2024 1:23 pm