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fuyuhiko kuzuryu April 14, 2021 9:00 am

honestly i love these two just because of how fucked up it is. its unhealthy obviously, but i feel like if yeonwu put his foot down and if he stood up for himself and stepped away from taehwan its totally plausible he'd realize hes a major disgusting human being and work on fixing himself.

im not saying taehwan deserves redemption or anything, i kind of dont like him tbh. but i do think its completely possible they could lead on a healthier relationship, or just fuckbuddy thing, if they just TALKED. obviously at this point yeonwu wont because hes okay as long as hes being fucked by taehwan and taehwan is too much of a douchebag to even consider it, but hopefully in the future its resolved, yk?
