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Dani April 16, 2021 10:23 pm

What chapter does the story line actually start?? Someone plz help this seems rlly good!

    Pornesian parapio April 16, 2021 10:26 pm

    The early chapters are just one page art. And there's really a start of the storyline. It started off like one light hearted story per chapter. Then in the middle of somewhere along the way a plot started to develop. Now it went back to lught hearted chapters again. Once in a while the creator would post something about the plot

    Kuroqui April 16, 2021 10:28 pm

    try after ch. 52

    Srsly April 17, 2021 1:43 am

    I wouldn’t skip any chapters in the beginning if possible because a lot of people did and it shows when they aren’t aware of the future major plot point involving Jian Yi’s years long disappearance on the second day of HS. Which isn’t a spoiler btw it’s said right in the very first chapters.

    The beginning chapters show us a glimpse of the future when they’re college aged (20 or so?). After that we jump to their middle school years leading up to high school where Jian Yi will go missing (and of course later return when Zhan is in college).

    Dani April 17, 2021 7:43 am
    I wouldn’t skip any chapters in the beginning if possible because a lot of people did and it shows when they aren’t aware of the future major plot point involving Jian Yi’s years long disappearance on the... Srsly

    Ooh ok great! The beginning just seemed like a lot of moments they spent together so I was a bit confused but this helps a lot, thanks!