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Ha ha oh man

naisha84 April 17, 2021 8:12 pm

They tried to do kou dirty with mitsuba..(I secretly ship)
I literally screamed "no don't fall for it” of all the people mitsuba is his greatest weakness because he failed to save him (imo)
and his mom she's been gone too long,he knows better even though he misses her he knows. He knows his brother's reaction to the supernatural
.. maannnn that's the kinda twilight zone that make you do some soul searching.. I can't wait to see what happens next
Side note: we really need the anime to continue if they can draw out 700 and something episodes of Naruto then they definitely can finish this I think it's worth seeing in animation 12 episodes is not enough I'm just saying.

    blulouu April 17, 2021 8:46 pm

    totally agree with uuuu