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RTYSTIK1 April 3, 2016 12:44 am

Everyone's ragging on HaJin for cheating but aren't looking at the situation -__-...I'm starting to feel bad for this guy..he was already broken and then this crazy ass lady comes and breaks him even further..i don't think he's really in a position to refuse..this is a mess lol

    pinku April 3, 2016 4:59 am

    Yeah I think he's pitiful too but the thing is before this chapter many ppl were calling out the wife for cheating since Hajin actually cares abt it and made her the "bad guy" now the situation changed Hajin is a bigger cheater plus neglecting, manipulating his wife didn't help either so the readers we shocked since he is not in the position to be angry at his wife and doesn't even realize it.

    RTYSTIK1 April 3, 2016 5:08 am
    Yeah I think he's pitiful too but the thing is before this chapter many ppl were calling out the wife for cheating since Hajin actually cares abt it and made her the "bad guy" now the situation changed Hajin is... pinku

    yeah but that's only if you're just looking at the "act" of cheating...ok then yeah he can't really be upset at the thought of his wife cheating..but their circumstances are feels more like he's forced to sleep w/ his boss..we have no idea how she played w/ him mentally when he was still a child/teen but we're certainly seeing the effects..meanwhile his wife willingly slept w/ someone because she was horny/felt neglected (i guess) i guess it just depends on how much people are looking at

    pinku April 3, 2016 5:09 am

    Basically Hajin made the wife the bad guy but he himself is doing something worse. It's not only about adultery anymore. His attitude "I can do it but she can't" is the problem here. Even the wife keeps reminding herself that she has no right to feel angry bcos of her cheating too. Hajin though...

    RTYSTIK1 April 3, 2016 5:17 am
    Basically Hajin made the wife the bad guy but he himself is doing something worse. It's not only about adultery anymore. His attitude "I can do it but she can't" is the problem here. Even the wife keeps remindi... pinku

    Well, actually the most that's been shown is that he's a very jealous person, in addition to his killer mentality yeah he might have a big problem if he found out that Si-Yeon cheated..that's more of what his attitude is like..not that he has a double standard when it comes to cheating..he didn't make his wife out to be anything since he doesn't even know that she's cheated yet. It also goes to show that the relationship w/ his boss is not something he wants but something he feels he has to do. It seems like he's changing (or wants to) so if he did ever find out that Si-Yeon cheated he may give her a pass.

    pinku April 3, 2016 5:36 am

    <<<the double standard here is that you are suggesting comments about Hajin cheating is narrowminded.
    I just don't like how you're saying other people arent looking at the situation just because they are saying Hajin is cheating. Most comments are about the wife cheating but now that we know Hajin is also cheating isnt it normal to see comments about it? Otherwise I agree with everything you said- like honestly it's complicated how Hajin will treat his wife, boss and coworker from now since he's slowly changing. I just think that it will questionable if everyone (readers) thinks cheating is ok depending on different circumstances and we don't see any comments expressing disappointment about Hajin cheating at all. I just feel like he deserves some of that considering how much hate the wife got because readers assumed Hajin was being faithful.

    RTYSTIK1 April 3, 2016 5:56 am

    if you understood what I was saying then you would know that what I said wasn't a double standard at all..they both slept w/ someone then yeah they're even and he can't say anything about her cheating ,i never gave him a pass for his sleeping w/ his boss, i'd expect to see comments about how he has no right to be upset at the thought of si-yeon point was more about the definition of cheating, whether his relationship w/ the boss is the same to si-yeon's with chicken boy. when you look at things from the surface w/o looking at everything underneath then you're not getting the whole story. I doubt the mangaka would reveal certain details and situations such as this if they just wanted readers to pass over them and be like "oh, well he sucks too, how dare he when he's the same". Everyone reads how they want and if they're fine w/ shallow understanding and thinking then that's cool too. so ill leave it at that and say once again Ha JIn has never gotten a pass from me about any of his actions that are something to be desired, just like i thought about si-yeon's perspective and found some understanding w her actions too

    pinku April 3, 2016 7:36 am
    if you understood what I was saying then you would know that what I said wasn't a double standard at all..they both slept w/ someone then yeah they're even and he can't say anything about her cheating ,i never ... RTYSTIK1

    Did you also say people who talked about the wife cheating are shallow too then? How do you know other people has a shallow understanding just because they're talk about Hajin's cheating is my main point. It's very arrogant of you to assume that- is what I'm saying. You're including people who commented on Hajin's cheating and you said you never gave him a pass for it so what's wrong with commenting about it then? I don't think it even has enough textual evidence to label other people as shallow. I understand their cheating are completely different and I have no idea why you brought up that they're even because they both cheated on each other thing.

    pinku April 3, 2016 8:06 am

    Although Hajin wasn't physically forced to comply with his "mom"'s wishes he had no better option since he is adopted and he was also a minor at that time. I totally understand that so it has always been that way and this is how things work even before his marriage. So I understand what you're talking about because I also think this type of cheating is different even on the mental level of things. It's just that the wife will be hurt because she loves Hajin so I think it is bad that he's "cheating" on her- he married her to keep a front in society and basically using her as decoration but she didn't know that at first and as a human being it probably hurts. On the one hand If he had a choice he probably would not be having this kind of relationship with his mom in the first place so it was "inevitable" -but still not "right or moral". On a mental level Hajin would not be considered as a cheater while the wife is but it doesn't mean he's not wrong since he is using her from the begining. On the other hand the wife chose to have an affair for whatever reason which has a closer definition to cheating that we would think of. But I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that other people think shallowly.

    pinku April 3, 2016 8:33 am

    in short don't assume other commenters are shallow because in the end that in itself is shallow- I'm out now I think we agree on many things but you refused to believe other people have brains.

    RTYSTIK1 April 4, 2016 12:50 am
    in short don't assume other commenters are shallow because in the end that in itself is shallow- I'm out now I think we agree on many things but you refused to believe other people have brains. pinku

    Yes Please Do Be Out Bc You Assumed That Notion..Instead Of Putting Words Into OtherpPeople's Mouths You Should Try To Understand Them First.

    pinku April 4, 2016 2:59 am
    Yes Please Do Be Out Bc You Assumed That Notion..Instead Of Putting Words Into OtherpPeople's Mouths You Should Try To Understand Them First. RTYSTIK1

    Quoting you "everyone's ragging on Hajin but is not looking at the situation -_-"
    Didnt you basically do that yourself? That's the part I think is very obnoxious and you refuse to admit it. Instead you choose to call others thinking shallow and not try to understand others. If you want to capitalize stuff at least make it make sense "yes please do be out be you assumed that notion" wuht?

    JeanneZoroLaw April 4, 2016 3:43 am

    Its fine.. but if hajin and his mother is really her mother then they have a f..... up relationship.... but if theyre not blood related then it's fine... lol.. both of them cheat.. cheating wife so the husband mm totally fine.. that's why it's household affairs

    pinku April 4, 2016 4:49 am
    Yes Please Do Be Out Bc You Assumed That Notion..Instead Of Putting Words Into OtherpPeople's Mouths You Should Try To Understand Them First. RTYSTIK1

    You know what I was offended by the first sentence you wrote but I think my reactions weren't really nice either and since I realized that I guess I'll stop spamming now